Company information

Name of Company: *
Legal headquarters address: *
Operational headquarters address: *
City: *
Country: *
Postcode: *
VAT number: *
Telephone number: *
Product category: *
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Please specify product category.
Product type: *
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Please specify your best selling product.
Product range: *
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Specify which market your product is positioned in

Production data

Daily production capacity: *
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Please specify your actual daily production capacity
Production and delivery of samples: *
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Indicate the production and delivery times of samples for each individual order purchased
Delivery times – less than 5000 items: *
See More
Indicate delivery times for orders over 5000 items
Delivery times for orders over 6000 items: *
See More
Please specify your delivery times for orders over 6000 items
Minimum order: *
Specify your minimum quantity for the production of each order
Minimum order article/colour: *
See More
Indicate the minimum quantity per item/colour
Country of production: *
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Production with a focus on sustainability:
See More
Sustainability certifications:
List your company’s sustainability certifications here/ List your company sustainability certifications here


Average price: *
Insert the average price of your product (in Euro)
The price of each items includes: *
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Choose one or more options


Name: *
Role/Qualification: *
E-mail: *
Telephone number: *

Demo sample case


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